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Rosehip – Rosa canina

Family: Rosaceae

Rosehips are a good natural source of vitamins A, C and bioflavanoids.  Chinchillas are particularly fond of Rosehip shells.  They also like whole rosehips and because they can hold food in their paws, they are able to open up whole rosehips and discard the seeds which are covered with irritant hairs.  Guinea pigs, on the other hand, should only have the cut shells of seedless rosehips, not chopped whole rosehips or the whole rosehips themselves.

Rosehip powder is a valuable syringe feed ingredient for all small herbivores as even those which normally synthesize their own vitamin C may need extra during times of illness or stress.

In addition to being a good source of dietary and crude fibre, rosehips also have a good calcium content and Ca:P ratio.

Constituents: Vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, C & K, flavanoids, tannins, invert sugar, pectin, plant acids, polyphenols, carotenoids, volatile oil and vanillin.

Actions: Astringent, mildly diuretic, reduce thirst and alleviate gastric inflammationRosehip - Rosa canina

Rosehip Syrup

Rosehip syrup was an important source of vitamin C for children during World War II.  English children were paid 3d per lb for rosehips harvested in the autumn to be made into rosehip syrup by the company Delrosa in Wallsend (near Newcastle).  For many years after the war, Delrosa brand Rose Hip Syrup was supplied along with Delrosa Orange for babies, through baby clinics throughout the UK.  Although Delrosa rosehip syrup is no longer available in the UK it is still going strong in the US and Australia.

Our 250gm tub of seedless rosehip shells will makes 2 litres of rosehip syrup (requires 2kg sugar or sugar substitute such as Xylitol)

Studies by Danish scientists have shown that a powdered extract of rosehip, GOPO, Hyben Vital or Litozin, reduced the use of other painkillers in osteoarthritis sufferers.  Unfortunately due to the drying process that is needed to isolate the active anti-inflammatory compound from the sub-species of rose hip, GOPO is not available in a normal diet and can only be taken in the form of a food supplement.  Lanes Litozin is a rosehip extract rich in GOPO and available in powder and capsule form.

Rosehip Oil

Rosehip oil is produced from the seeds of a different rose, Rosa rubiginosa.  Most rosehip oil is commercially grown in Chile. It is also known as Rose Moqueta.  A rich source of vitamin A (in the form of retinol) plus Omega 6 and Omega 3 essential fatty acids (EFAs), rosehip oil is light, non greasy and good for scar tissue, stretch marks, damaged and dry skin.

The addition of Vitamin E at 0.5% will prolong the shelf life of rosehip oil by protecting its delicate EFAs and preventing it going rancid.  The fatty acids are absorbed by the skin where they are converted to prostaglandins, essential for skin cell regeneration.