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Suma – Pfaffia paniculata

Suma - Pfaffia paniculataFamily: Amarantaceae

Suma has a long history of use in its native Brazil where they named it Para Todo –  ‘for all things’.  It is also known in the West as ‘Brazilian Ginseng.’ and has traditionally been used as a general tonic,  for convalescents as well as an aphrodisiac.

Suma is a good ingredient to add in small amounts to a syringe feed mix for rabbits, guinea pigs or chinchillas.

Russian Olympic athletes claim that Suma is a muscle and endurance builder without the negative side effects of steroids. Much of Suma’s chemistry is unique – it appears to enhance the body’s use of oxygen on the cellular level.

Suma’s saponins have been clinically demonstrated to inhibit cancer cell growth and to help regulate blood sugar levels. Two Japanese patents for Suma pfaffosides and pfaffic acid derivatives as antitumour agents have been granted.

A 1995 U.S. Patent application demonstrated increased hemoglobin levels during sickle cell treatment. Numerous other Suma-based patents have been filed in both France, Japan, Russia and the USA relating to its anti-tumour, anti-inflammatory, and aphrodisiac effects.

Constituents: Plant sterols, Pfaffic acids, Vitamins A, B1, B2, E and K, Pantothenic acid, Germanium, Saponins.

Actions: Tonic, aphrodisiac, steroidal, immune stimulating., sedative.