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Meadow Seed Mixes


These mixes have been specially designed to contain only grasses and wild plants that a rabbit would naturally eat in the wild.


Flower Meadow Mix

Timothy and fescue grass, calendula, chervil, chicory, multi-coloured cornflower (blue, pink, red, black and white), golden rod, mallow, ribwort, sainfoin, red & white yarrow

Galens Meadow Mix

A complex mixture of grasses, legume forage and wild plants.  Suitable for growing in the garden as a herb strip, for cut food, or for drying as green forage or sun-sured hay.

Grasses: Common Bentgrass, Cocksfoot (Orchard Grass), Crested Dogstail, Meadow Fescue, Red Fescue, Sheeps Fescue, Smaller Catstail, Smooth Stalked Meadow Grass, Tall Fescue, Tetraploid Perennial Ryegrass, Timothy

Legume Forage: Alsike Clover, Birdsfoot Trefoil, Crimson Clover, Red Clover, Sainfoin, Sweet Clover, White Clover, Vetch, Yellow Trefoil

Herb Forage: Agrimony, Buckshorn Plantain, Burnet, Chicory, Cornflower, Fenugreek, Kale, Mallow, Ribwort (Long Leaf) Plantain, Sheeps Parsley, Yarrow

Sowing Rate 2-3gm per square metre when grown in the garden or per full seed tray when tray grown.

One 5gm pack is enough to seed 2-3 full seed trays