Graze Trays
Trays, soil and seed to make growing healthy forage easier – just add water!
Half seed trays or strip trays (5 rows)
Half seed trays with specially prepared peat-free growing medium and seeds. Just add water – regularly!
The growing medium in our Graze Trays has been designed to help the plants grow a good root system and produce forage rich in minerals, trace elements and chlorophyll.
The following apply to all species:
Eat Your Greens, Fodder Kale, Broccoli and Meadow Mix contain brassicas and should be fed before the brassicas set seed.
All the trays are suitable for rabbits and guinea pigs. The forage can be fed fresh or dried. As with all new foods, introduce gradually.
The chinchilla’s natural diet is low in moisture. All the forages, except those that contain brassicas, can be air-dried and fed dry or in very small amounts as a treat.
Meadow grasses and Flower Meadow can be fed fresh or dried at all stages as part of a varied and balanced diet. Cereal grasses should be fed fresh or dried before they start to set seed.
Legume forage, Meadow Mix and Eat Your Greens can be fed fresh or dried, and even after seeding, but should only be fed in moderation.
The young meadow grasses, legume forages and cereal grasses can be given to tortoises when the plants are young (before they start to produce seed of their own).
Single meadow grasses and cereal grasses can be offered to indoor cats and dogs before they start to set seed, so here’s a quick overview of commercial Cat Grass or Kitty Graze compared to our Graze Trays.
The ‘grass’ in most of the commercial cat grass trays consists of one or more of the fast growing meadow and cereal grasses. The most common cat grasses contain either oat seed or cocksfoot (orchard) grass. The growing medium is normally vermiculite as it is light-weight and inert. Cats and dogs with access to an outdoor space where they eat grass will mainly be eating rye grass as it is the most common grass used in lawns and outdoor recreation areas.
Cats and dogs don’t eat a lot of grass, (unlike rabbits and guinea pigs for whom grass is a primary food), so grass is more a dietary supplement for them. No-one really knows why dogs and cats eat grass but they do not have the digestive enzymes to break down the plant cell walls. Big cats and wolves also eat grass, and a recent study showed grass eating is as common in BARF fed dogs as it is in those on a commercial diet, so it does not seem related to the commercial diets fed to pets.
The same study also discovered that dogs were not using grass as an emetic and concluded that the behaviour may be inherited from their wild ancestors, possibly as a way of ridding themselves of parasites.
Rye grass, fenugreek, baby kale, baby broccoli and cereal grasses (barley, oats, spelt and wheat) grow very fast, you should have a healthy crop of grass in a few weeks. Orchard grass (Cocksfoot) is slower and Timothy is the slowest of all so allow the slower varieties time to germinate.
Meadow Mix, Eat Your Greens and Flower Meadow contain seeds that grow at different rates. You can rest nibbled trays and wait for new growth which may be different from the first flush. When grown outside, the plants in these mixes will grow to their normal height but when grown in trays they are designed to be eaten young.