Spaying female rabbits is done to protect them against diseases of the uterus as well as to prevent conception. Neutering male rabbits is done mainly to allow them to live peacefully with females without the risk of producing babies, or for behavioural reasons.
There are far too many rabbits in rescues as it is, so neutering and spaying has the dual benefits of preventing accidental litters, whilst still allowing rabbits the company of their own kind, free from aggressive behaviour.
Many rescues will have rabbits spayed or neutered before rehoming and this will of course be reflected in the price. Vets who regularly neuter and spay rabbits and other small furries normally have a good safety track record but there are always risks attached to operations carried out under anaesthesia.
Spay or neuter my rabbit? by Dana M Krempels PhD, University of Miami “Unspayed female rabbits have a very high risk of uterine, ovarian and mammary cancers. Some reports state that more than 80% of unspayed, unbred female rabbits will develop uterine/ovarian cancer by the age of three years. Our vets have seen signs of uterine hyperplasia (a pre-cancerous condition) and even true adenocarcinoma (cancer) in rabbits as young as one year. Leaving your bunny unspayed is just not worth the risk.”